Signal Processing

GeoEngine - Geomatics Engineering (Master of Science)

1. Semester GeoEngine

Signal Processing (1. Semester)

Program: GeoEngine (Master of Science)
Semester: 1. Semester  
Module: 41220 Geomatics Methodology
Instructor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Uwe Sörgel
Course Contents
Today signal processing has become a foundation in many disciplines. In the course of technological development digital systems employing signal processing are included in many IT products as well as in consumer electronics. For this reason basic knowledge of signal processing is essential to all engineering disciplines, especially to geomatics engineering. It provides the foundation for a deeper understanding of advanced topics such as terrestrial and aerial data acquisition, navigation and others.
This lecture is accompanied and complemented by exercises, which are carried out on computers using the MATLAB® Signal Processing Toolbox.
Elementary knowledge of mathematics (linear algebra, complex numbers, integral calculus) from prior BSc programs.
Recommended textbooks
*//*The MathWorks Inc. (1999): Signal Processing Toolbox.


Lecture Notes
  1. Introduction
  2. Mathematical Basics
  3. Signals and Systems
  4. Convolution
  5. Approximation by orthonormal Basis Functions
  6. Fourier Series
  7. Fourier Transform
  8. LTI-Systems and Modulation
  9. Sampling Theorem and Interpolation
  10. Discrete-Time Signal Processing
  11. Random Signals
  12. Signal Reconstruction
  13. Applications
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