Pattern Recognition

GeoEngine - Geomatics Engineering (Master of Science)

3. Semester GeoEngine

Pattern Recognition (3. Semester)

Studiengang: GeoEngine (Master of Science)
Semester: 3. Semester  
Module: 77790 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Instructors: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Uwe Sörgel
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Norbert Haala
Course Contents
Introduction to pattern recognition, image preprocessing and feature extraction, knowledge based image analysis, decision theory and numerical classification, Bayesian networks and Markov Random Fields, applications for photogrammetric image analysis
Recommended textbooks


Lecture Notes
  1. Introduction
  2. Human Visual System
  3. Image Acquisition and Preprocessing
  4. Scale Space
  5. Segmentation
  6. Features
  7. Models
  8. Representation and Application of Knowledge
  9. Overview of Statistical Methods
  10. Bayesian Classifcation
  11. Probabilistic Discriminative Classifiers
  12. Nonprobabilistic Discriminative Classifiers
  13. Convolutional Neural Network
  14. Graphical Methods
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