Stabilizing SLAM Algorithm via Semantic Segmentation for Movable Objects Detection

Master Thesis at ifp - Abhishek Kaushik

Abhishek Kaushik

Stabilizing SLAM Algorithm via Semantic Segmentation for Movable Objects Detection

Duration: 6 months
Completition: January 2024
Supervisor: Dr.-Ing. Dominik Laupheimer, MSc David Skuddis, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Norbert Haala
Examiner: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Norbert Haala, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bin Yang

Introduction and Motivation

Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) is vital in robotics, computer vision, and autonomous systems. It enables devices to map unknown environments while determining their own position in real-time. SLAM has broad applications from self-driving cars to drones and augmented reality.

In SLAM algorithms, LiDAR sensors are commonly used for their accuracy in capturing 3D environment structures. However, dynamic surroundings pose challenges to LiDAR-based SLAM, affecting performance due to issues like data association, dynamic object modeling, real-time processing, and map consistency.

To address dynamic object challenges, deep learning-based 3D semantic segmentation can filter out moving elements from LiDAR point clouds, ensuring precise mapping. This approach enhances accuracy by focusing on stationary elements.

3D semantic segmentation extends 2D semantic segmentation principles to interpret complex 3D environments, crucial for autonomous navigation, augmented reality, urban planning, and robotics. However, obtaining large volumes of annotated data for training is costly and time-consuming, necessitating effective strategies to handle domain shifts for scaled automated driving.


Our study focuses on the SemanticSlamantic dataset for semantic segmentation and SLAM applications. However, the dataset lacks semantic labels necessary for supervised neural network training. To overcome this, we utilize the SemanticKITTI dataset, which shares similarities with SemanticSlamantic in being collected in Germany and featuring outdoor scenes. SemanticKITTI offers comprehensive annotations for training neural networks.

We train various neural networks using SemanticKITTI in a supervised manner to learn complex patterns and semantic understanding from the annotated data. These trained models are then applied to infer on the SemanticSlamantic dataset, aiming for robust semantic segmentation and SLAM in a closely related scenario.

Despite similarities, there are differences between the two datasets due to variations in sensor types and mounting configurations. SemanticKITTI uses a Velodyne 64-beam LiDAR sensor mounted on a car with a vertical FOV from 2° to -24.8°. In contrast, SemanticSlamantic employs an Ouster 64-beam LiDAR sensor mounted on various platforms with a wider vertical FOV from -22.5° to +22.5°. These differences require domain adaptation techniques to transfer knowledge effectively between datasets, ensuring the model's performance aligns with SemanticSlamantic's characteristics.

Adopting domain adaptation methods becomes crucial to bridge this gap and enhance the model's performance when applied to SemanticSlamantic, ensuring robust semantic segmentation and SLAM across diverse LiDAR sensor setups and FOV ranges in real-world scenarios.

Fig. 1: Comprehensive Performance Analysis on the Validation Split of the SemanticKITTI Dataset. This analysis includes metrics such as per class Intersection over Union (IoU), mean IoU, and mean accuracy to evaluate segmentation performance.

Dynamic Points Filtering

Fig. 2:This figure visualizes the semantic segmentation predictions made by the MinkUnet+LPX architecture specifically on the bike sequence within the SemanticSlamantic dataset.

The qualitative analysis sheds light on the performance of the MinkuNet+LPX architecture for dynamic point filtering in semantic segmentation on the SemanticSlamantic dataset. Notably, this architecture demonstrates superior performance across all classes in each sequence, indicating its robustness in capturing semantic information.

On average, 5 to 10% of dynamic points are successfully removed from the bike sequence, showcasing the effectiveness of the filtering process. However, an unexpected observation arises when examining the impact on SLAM poses. Despite the successful removal of dynamic points, the filtered points exhibit higher mean, maximum, and RMSE absolute pose errors compared to their unfiltered counterparts in the bike sequence. Surprisingly, this discrepancy does not translate into significant differences in the SLAM trajectory between the filtered and non-filtered scenarios.

Table 1: This table summarizes the average pose error statistics for scenarios with dynamic points filtering using MinkUnet+LPX and without dynamic points filtering. The comparison highlights the impact of dynamic points filtering on the accuracy of pose estimation.

3D Domain Adaptation

Fig. 3: The SegContrast pipeline involves segmenting the point cloud in a two-stage process: (A) Pre-training in an unsupervised manner using contrastive learning. (B) Fine-tuning in a supervised manner with a smaller number of samples.

The advantages of ensemble finetuned psuedolabels approach in this context are noteworthy. Firstly, it contributes to improved generalization, mitigating overfitting and enhancing the model’s ability to generalize to unseen data. Secondly, the ensemble exhibits increased robustness, displaying less sensitivity to noise in the training data and outliers. Lastly, the ensemble’s overall performance surpasses that of individual models.

Fig. 4: The predictions are generated using ensemble fine-tuned pseudolabels for fine-tuning, showcasing the segmentation results achieved through the SegContrast pipeline.


This thesis aimed to improve 3D semantic segmentation performance on the target domain, focusing on the SemanticKITTI Dataset. Integration of Polarmix augmentation played a crucial role, notably enhancing model performance for various classes. However, the traffic-sign class showed a negative impact, contrasting with substantial gains observed for small-size objects like bicycles and motorcycles.

Extending the study to the SemanticSlamantic dataset involved direct inference using models trained on SemanticKITTI. Projection-based approaches required parameter tuning, especially for range images, to adapt to the target dataset. Voxel-based methods outperformed, exhibiting robust performance in qualitative analysis. However, cylinder partition approaches, combined with Polarmix augmentation, struggled outside the trained vertical field of view.

Investigating the effect of dynamic points filtering on SLAM performance showed no significant positive or negative impacts on both SemanticKITTI and SemanticSlamantic datasets. Addressing the domain gap between the datasets, resulting from differences in sensor mounting positions and vertical field of view, extensive experiments and analyses were conducted. Results indicated no single architecture performed optimally across all scenarios. Nonetheless, applying contrastive pretraining and fine-tuning with pseudolabels, generated through an ensemble of architectures and fine-tuned using ensemble hard voting, effectively reduced domain gaps and significantly enhanced model performance.


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Norbert Haala

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